Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Happy Hanukkah!

Hello everybody, and Happy Hanukkah!

I decided to dress up Rebecca in her Hanukkah outfit and take some photos of her and her menorah for the holiday, I am pleased with how they turned out!

Yes, the photos are a bit dark but I like this particular set that way, I feel like it makes them look a bit more like Rebeccas era in the colors and all. And yes, some of the photos are edited a tad differently but I personally love the diversity!

Please leave me a comment down below on what you think!

I hope you enjoyed and have a very Happy Hanukkah!



  1. I really like the dark pictures, actually. The string lights in the background make everything look so cozy.

  2. I'm loving the lighting in the pictures, Silence! And the angles + posing is lovely.


Hey everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my blog, from now on I'll try my best to reply to my commenters. Each and every comment, now matter how short makes my day. Before you get started commenting though, just a couple rules.

1.) Please don't swear, its not attractive.
2.) Be polite
3.) Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so...
4.) Please don't start fights!
Thanks, now have fun!
Silence. :) <3 I love ya'll!