Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some fave AG items!

No particular order...

Comment below your fave items!
Also, I'm getting Garnet early next month!!! This was just MAG items, historical/GOTY coming soon!


  1. I love that blue sweater outfit! Yet another item on my Wishlist *sigh* ;)
    That storage tower is cool, too! I may have to see if I can rope my dad into making me something similar...;)

  2. I love Garnet and all those outfits! <3

  3. Love the locker set and the blue moccasins!


Hey everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my blog, from now on I'll try my best to reply to my commenters. Each and every comment, now matter how short makes my day. Before you get started commenting though, just a couple rules.

1.) Please don't swear, its not attractive.
2.) Be polite
3.) Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so...
4.) Please don't start fights!
Thanks, now have fun!
Silence. :) <3 I love ya'll!