Monday, July 8, 2013

New AG release part 2!!!

Hola guys!! :D
Starting from where I left off...

ADORE these shoes!

 This girl is a darling! :D
 Sooo pretty and elegant! These might've been a dif release though. Sorry.
 Wasn't sure if these were new or not.. :P

 Soo cute! Love BT's.
 The new hoodie.
 A (blurry sorry) pic of the doll sized doll tote bag. :D
 Store exclusive swimsuit.
 (Sorry its blurry) the SCHOOL LOCKER! ON MY WISHLIST! :D

 Cutie patooties in new clothes, with the (school) background! :)
 The new lunch kit..

 ^Sadly this stuff in the bottom is stuck.. :P Stupid AG for that! xD

 The carrying case turns into a placemat. Didn't know thats why there were clasps on it.. ahahaha... Didn't think to take pics of it when it was unclasped.. I forgot to take pics of this stuff till my mom reminded me, I was having a little to much fun. xD
 New school backpack.I just want the books.. But may get the set.

 I have the science one from the old set. I'll have a new science book, too, when I get the science set!!

 LOVE the new one.
 Her too...

 New hoodie!

Ok, guys. I have SO many interviews to post.. That'll be all week long... LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Where is the first shirt from? It looks jus like the new teal one


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1.) Please don't swear, its not attractive.
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Thanks, now have fun!
Silence. :) <3 I love ya'll!