Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cyber Monday at American Girl!

Hey Everyone! 

Did anyone else buy anything from American Girl on Cyber Monday? I sure did! I bought 9 items myself, and my bro bought one for me. I'll explain in a minute. Here is a list of the things I bought myself;




 So I bought all of that myself, I had money saved up and then I used a few dollars in allowance from Mom and Dad. I had been trying to buy these:
Myself, (I wouldn't have had enough though..) But I would click "add to bag" Because it showed you could, but you would click and it would say unavailable!!! HOW RUDE! It was doing that to everybody, I know from the Message Board I am on. Then, the next morning I tried again ant it worked! I didn't have money but my brother bought them for me! Thanks so much, bro! I love you! We called AG to see if they would add it on to our old order from the previous night but they couldn't, (we didn't want to pay extra shipping, it's costly!) but they didn't make us pay Shipping and Handling! WAHOO! Thank you LORD! :)
So that is all that I got- and I am very excited for it too come in. I will take an opening vid maybe when it gets here and post it on here. ;) The boots have shipped but my other things haven't, I think some things may be on backorder or something.. Hmm.... :) 

I would love to know what you guys' got from the sale! I love comments!
Silence and the dolls.


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Hey everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my blog, from now on I'll try my best to reply to my commenters. Each and every comment, now matter how short makes my day. Before you get started commenting though, just a couple rules.

1.) Please don't swear, its not attractive.
2.) Be polite
3.) Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so...
4.) Please don't start fights!
Thanks, now have fun!
Silence. :) <3 I love ya'll!